How to make it so when you touch the screen your charactar jumps

How do you make you charectar jump when you touch the screen?
Some easy example code that you can useas a layout:

function setup() end -- This function gets called once every frame function draw () -- This sets a dark background color background(40, 40, 50) fill(255, 2, 0, 255) --make your charactar ellipse(WIDTH/4,HEIGHT/4.2,100) --make the ground fill(70, 255, 0, 255) rect(WIDTH/4, HEIGHT/50,550, 170) rectMode(RADIUS) end


  1. Learn how to make meshes
  2. Learn about 3D perspective

It’s quite tricky, but IMHO the most fun you can have with Codea.

I’ve written an ebook on 3D in Codea, below. I wrote it because I had never done it before and found it difficult at first, so I hope it helps.

I’m happy to help you, but do some reading first!

PS if you haven’t done meshes yet, you need to learn that first, my other book on Codea covers it and there is lots of good code on the forum.

Thanks for the help!