How to delete a project using Apple M1

Is there any way using Apple M1 to delete a project from the main menu? I have tried tap, long tap, space tap etc etc nothing seems to work. I am currently using my Apple M1 and Codea 3.3 to experiment some ideas.

My trackpad settings are attached.

Thank you

@sparvu that is really strange. I am able to right-click on projects in Codea on M1. What version of Big Sur are you on?

Right clicking on a project (in your settings “Secondary click”) should bring up a menu with Rename / Duplicate / Export / Make Template / Delete

Select “Delete” from that menu and it will ask you to delete the project

@Simeon drool, is that only possible with metal based Mac’s or can earlier iOS systems work in a similar fashion?

@Bri_G yes, Codea can run on M1 macs like a native mac app — but it won’t work on older Intel-based macs

Yep but secondary click (two fingers) wont work here. not sure why. It just opens the source code file. I never get the prject (delete/rename) menu

this used to work, if I remember right on M1.

Yes it is. I will start to look tonight to this thing to understand what’s going on. Yes, my son has confirmed me, this was working on my M1.

Im using Big Sur 11.2.3

Now I figured out. The problem came from this menu entry, which was selected: Codea, Touch Alternatives. If I deselect that, everything is okay.

@sparvu thanks for sharing the fix you found!