Home screen for soda

I’ve been making a home screen styled like the iOS home screen for soda, it’s been while since I’ve coded something with codea, I’ve been learning HTML and CSS, hard to do the things you want with so little time. I wanna code websites I wanna code Stuff with codea I wanna play video games i wanna spend some of my day watching YouTube.

I haven’t played any games in a year, my friends are so surprised that i haven’t, it does seen weird though. A 13 year old that doesn’t play games, I recently started playing games agein but i get too sucked in and waste my time wen i could be coding.

Wait I’m off track. Let’s get back to soda 0.7

I’ve been making a home screen styled like the iOS home screen for soda, so far i have calculator on there. I also want to get the codea version of working copy, working on there :smiley:

Do you mean how to Sprite the home screen from soda? If yes try to find in cargo bot one of the assets it one of them. Then do:

sprite("Cargo Bot: The Name of the Asset", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, WIDTH, HEIGHT)

@TokOut is that code to change the background or put icons on the apps?

I would PM you, but it’s better if every sees: Soda Installer code:

--# Main

local url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Utsira/Soda/master/tabs/"
local function install(data)
    --parse plist into list of tab files
    local array = data:match("<key>Buffer Order</key>%s-<array>(.-)</array>")
    local files = {}   
    for tabName in array:gmatch("<string>(.-)</string>%s") do
        table.insert(files, {name = tabName})
    --success function
    local function success(n, name, data)
        if not data then alert("No data", name) return end
        print("Loaded "..n.."/"..#files..":"..name)
        files[n].data = data
        for _,v in ipairs(files) do
            if not v.data then 
                return --quit this function if any files have missing data
        --if all data is present then save...
        for i,v in ipairs(files) do
            saveProjectTab(v.name, v.data)
            print("Saved "..i.."/"..#files..":"..v.name)
        for i,v in ipairs(files) do --load...
        setup() --...and run
    --request all the tab files
    for i,v in ipairs(files) do 
        local function retry(error) --try each file twice, in case of time-outs
            print(error, v.name.." not found, retrying")
            http.request(url..v.name..".lua", function(data) success(i, v.name, data) end, function(error2) alert(error2, v.name.." not found") end)
        http.request(url..v.name..".lua", function(data) success(i, v.name, data) end, retry)
http.request(url.."Info.plist", install, function (error) alert(error) end)