Fallout Terminal

Hey guys, a wile back I made a very crude, string based vault 87 themed overseer terminal and I hope to get some feed back. Enjoy :smiley:

--# Main
function setup()
     parameter.action("Clear Terminal Screen", function() output.clear() end )
    print "__________________________________\
Hello, welcome to the Vault 87 Overseer terminal. When typing don't use caps, disregard punctuation and spaces. Type 'poweron' to beginand to exit, double tap on the right.\
    poweron = "Hello Overseer, what would you like to do?\
Vaultesch Files\
FEV Files"    
    residents = "Residents\
    fevfiles = "FEV Files\
The Forced Evolutionary Virus"
    strains = "Strains\
Mariposa Strain\
Vault 87 Strain\
Curling-13 Strain\
President Eden Strain"
    mariposastrain = "Mariposa Strain\
The origional strain developed at the Mariposa Millitary Base to create an army of 'Super Soldiers' to win the great war. Other creatures were created as well, such as centaurs and 'Harold'. Some reminants of the army still resides in the Mojave"
    vault87strain = "Vault 87 Strain\
A modified FEV strain for vault 87 to make another army, but without a leader. It created genderless, sterile 'soldiers' who's size increases and intelligence decreases with age. This strain also produces centaurs and other abominations"
    curling13strain = "Curling 13 Starin\
Developed by the Enclave designed to (DATA EXPUGED) and rid the American wasteland of supermutants."
    presidentedenstrain = "President Eden Strain\
Made to destroy all mutant life in the wasteland by(DATA EXPUNGED)"
    theforcedevolutionaryvirus = "Forced Evolutionary Virus\
The Forced Evolutionary Virus, or FEV as it's more commonly known, is one major cause of mutations in the post-war nuclear wasteland. Radiation alone is not enough to induce the sorts of changes commonly seen in super mutants and other creatures; generally speaking, the only lasting effects of exposure to gamma and other forms of radioactivity are hair loss, internal bleeding, cancers and ultimately, death."
    tests = "Tests\
    overseerpersonalfiles = "\
Vaultech Info\
Vault Inititiative\
    vaultechinfo = ""
function touched(touch)
    if touch.tapCount == 2 and touch.state == ENDED then

I have to admit, this is pretty terible! I am so ashamed lol :slight_smile:

I agree, you did a lot of typing for very little happening when the program is run. But you have to start somewhere.

@Kai - it’s ok, just keep learning and having fun.

We only get annoyed when people keep making new threads or posting pointless messages.

@Ignatz sorry I just have so many questions, what should I do, re-name threads?

Hey guys I got a link to my pizza clicker, here ya go. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11N6XFN_D8CiNue-mMGUdknCKXgxcwnAQiTGZXgCYLGs

@Kai - yes, you can rename threads

Also, try to solve your own problems as much as possible, by reading everything you can, and developing your debugging skills.