[DEPRECATED] Various Codea Objective-C Libraries

@Zoyt. I’ll try that if I can.
In StackIt, did you use achievements? I’m thinking of trying this.

@YoloSwag, see above I posted all the code you need for achievements

@JakAttak. Thank you! I didn’t see that at first.

@JakAttak. I’m not receiving a notification banner when I complete the achievement, but it registers in Game Center. At first I tried your code, but then I switched to another method, but they both don’t show the banner. Is this supposed to happen?

If you want it to show a banner, you have to call the banner yourself. The Game Center Add On already includes a function for showing Game Center banners, so when you complete an achievement just call both my report function and the function to show a banner with the text you want.

@Zoyt. You are right. Its just an iOS 8 bug. Gamecenter works perfectly on iOS 8. :slight_smile:

When I call showGameCenter() it shows that I have no leaderboards but in ITunesConnect there is in fact a leaderboard under my app. Anyone know why this is?

Also, when I exit the leaderboards, the draw function does not respond but the touched function does.

@austinmccoy give it a little time for the leaderboard to go online.

I have given it around 30 hours, is that not enough?

@austinmccoy - Haha, I think so. Are you sure that your app has GameCenter enabled and is linked the right way to iTunes connect?

You know, these keep confusing me so could you please post this in another website? This forums if for Codea after all with uses Lua

@code_maker i dont agree, this forum is the place for making apps from codea, so that is fine. Just ignore this discussion if you’re not interested. :open_mouth:

@code_maker - As @Jmv38 said, if you don’t mind, just ignore it. I put the key word “Objective-C” in the title to make it clear it’s not related to Lua. But thanks for the concern.

Hey, I think there has been some change with iOS 8, as Xcode 6 warns that

[achievement reportAchievementWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error)

is depreciated.

How much work would be involved in making the code compliant with the most recent api (Xcode 6 suggests to use “+reportAchievement:withCompletionHandler”)?

@Rodolphe - Theoretically nothing. I haven’t tried it myself, but it should give you a suggested fix that should work fine. Sorry I don’t update the libraries, I’ve just moved on from Codea. I don’t even have an iPad anymore.

If it doesn’t work, feel free to LMK. I’d be more than happy to help me.

Thanks so much Zoyt! (what are you coding on if I may ask? I’m trying pure swift/xcode6 coding, and oh do I miss code… :slight_smile: )