Codea Runtime - Parameters?

I’ve been playing around with Codea and also have been building and running the Codea Runtime successfully. Is there a way to get “Parameters” working in the runtime such that they display in a menu similar to Codea?


We debated this internally before deciding not to support parameters in the runtime.

The reason we chose not to is because they relied on interface builder xib files, and the whole sidebar could create flickering issues whn launching apps in fullscreen mode.

Since fullscreen is the most common use case we decided people who needed parameters could add the implementation themselves, it resulted in a cleaner runtime that was easier to drop into existing projects - as the main render view controller became a simple and clean OpenGL view.

Gotcha. Makes sense. Looks like the registration via the LUA->obj-c registration via the “parameter” call is still there would just need to build my own handler for rendering.
Thanks! Edit: Thought it would be useful for debugging.