Codea runtime AppStore app

Has the idea of a simplified Codea app in the AppStore that simply runs Codea projects ever been discussed? (A codea app without editor, not even interface. It would just load a codea project to run it). I often develop apps for a few users (not ready for fame, glory and wealth yet) and if they could buy a runtime Codea app from the appstore to run my soft it would be simpler/faster than going via the AppStore for every update, specially during the first soft iterations. I have been using TestFlight to do this, but it has its constraints too.

Is it only me or there would be a market for something like this?

Thank you

There has been a discussion that i saw before that talked about a free app named codea play and it basically the same thing you said but I don’t know what happened or why they didn’t continue since i only joined 3 years ago.

Edit: I just found out after a few research there is something called codea scratchpad and it wasn’t available in my country so I don’t really know a lot of it.

Do a forum search for Codea Player. You’ll find old discussions about it.

Wait, I don’t get why it didn’t get continued. It would be helpful for Beta testing apps. I read that Apple might not allow the app in the other discussions, but it also promotes Codea so it should be able to be put on the App Store.

@Jose As far as I know and from what I’ve read in the old discussions, Codea Player was never released.

@dave1707 - I seem to remember installing Codea Play on my old iPad, was that in beta? It was restricted to playing code, giving you the opportunity to try coding but without the saving projects feature. The demos were available to play with - I thought it was neat although restrictive. May have been dropped if the fruit required payment from the authors even if it was a free package.

@Bri_G I don’t remember loading Codea Player at all. It’s possible I just missed it completely. I remember reading about it and thinking it would be nice to write Codea programs to give to friends without them having Codea because they weren’t interested in programming themselves.