Codea Retina Preview

In addition to all the new features, the next update also ensures that Codea will support retina resolution graphics on the new iPad.

Here’s a preview of how the project browser looks on the retina display — careful, these are high res images.

Nice :slight_smile:

Awesome ----- droooool !!! :slight_smile:

Finished retinafying the Code Editor, here’s how it looks in light and dark:

Since there’s so much more pixels to display text, how about blue/red 3D text.

So then I can wear my cardboard 3D glasses while coding… :slight_smile:

And because this is related to the iPad 3, do you know what will happen when I use the dictation feature while running Codea?

Since there's so much more pixels to display text, how about blue/red 3D text.

 So then I can wear my cardboard 3D glasses while coding... 

3D all the way baby!

By the way, are the sprite pack icons going to be enlarged? Right now their 110x110. Are they going to be 440x440? Or 220x220? Thanks!

Only the Small World sprite pack was upgraded (including the icon). The other three don’t have the resolution to go to retina, but I will get to them after this update is released.

Codea will automatically use retina quality sprites when using the Small World sprite pack on the new iPad. All 68-or-so Small World sprites have been updated.