.codea file format?

That makes sense, a sip seems better than a firehose in this case.

Ipda’s direction presents the shorter menu to the user (fewer projects to move to than files in all the projects to grab). Most of the time one wouldn’t want to copy any Main.luas so with Simeon’s system either they’re in thelist as clutter, or not there at all so can’t be copied when they are wanted.

My thought was you tap the plus button and have the following projects:

  • New Class
  • New Blank File
  • New File From Project

Selecting new file from project brings up a list of your other projects, tapping a project shows that project’s files and allows you to import one.

So - messing with this:

This saves and loads .rtfd packages on the mac.

Problem is - Codea’s .codea files aren’t being detected as .rtfd documents (although they appear to be on inspection). They show as “Document”.

My goal is a command-line .codea creator for OS X - where I can point it at a directory, and have it create a .codea compatible archive.