Codea Craft - Official Thread

The devs are working on a macOS port. They have planned a LOT of good things for us and are working hard on them, but their team is small, so you have to be patient…

Can Voxels be used 3D only, or can they be used 2D?

Progress Update - Lighting and Physically Based Materials

Codea Craft will now support a Standard material that uses a Physically Based Lighting model. This means that a single shader can reproduce a large number of realistic surfaces with very little effort. This material is more expensive (i.e. slower) and so regular specular and unlit shaders are still available too.

Standard Material Options:

  • diffuse (surface color)
  • opacity (how opaque the surface is, i.e. 0 = fully transparent, 1 = fully opaque)
  • offsetRepeat (modify texture scale and offset for shifting and tiling effects)
  • emissive (surface emission color)
  • emissiveMap (emissive texture - combines with emissive)
  • roughness (how rough the surface is)
  • roughnessMap (roughness texture - combines with roughness)
  • metalness (how metallic the surface is)
  • metalnessMap (metalness texture - combines with metalness)
  • map (diffuse texture - combines with diffuse color)
  • normalMap (surface normal details)
  • normalScale (how strong the normal map is)
  • displacementMap (modifies vertices based on grayscale texture)
  • displacementBias (offset for displacement map)
  • displacementScale (scale for displacement map)
  • aoMap (ambient occlusion map for self-occlusion details)
  • aoMapIntensity
  • envMap (environment map, used for reflecting environment based on surface settings)
  • envMapIntensity

Details on Beta access coming soon!

@TokOut You can set the camera to be ortho and lock physics object axes to 2D so yes technically voxels can be used in 2D although it seems a bit of a waste to do that when the 2D tools would work fine.

For a 2.5D game this approach would make sense though.

Do Voxels have light/physics support?

@TokOut Yes

@John I was just wondering about the new update, will it only add codea craft or will it change other things about codea in general?

@CamelCoder We have other features and updates in the pipeline (i.e. Universal support, bug fixes).

We don’t plan to change the existing feature set - Codea Craft will be adding a separate set of features which enhance things that Codea lacks (i.e. 3D support, materials, lighting).

It would be great if text files had support for styling, marking, etc.

Will something new be added to shaders, e. G. Sading 3D Objects, etc.

I don’t know if you have that feeling, but what if you already have tags in your project which will be added new? I mean, then you have to change your entire code. And I also have that feeling merged with “I can not wait for Codea Craft!! Let God develop it faster!” - Not negatively, I am always nervously waiting for cool stuff, I LOVE Codea!! John, Ignore Ignatz, I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!

@TokOut - please just leave John alone to finish his work.

Hey @John , I was quite excited when you said that you would add Universal support, how will it be implemented? Will the app be available on iPhone and iPod, or will it be easier to be done on the iPad. I’m just curious to know if I should launch my app before the update or wait till the update to make necessary changes.

I think a single IAP for all of Code Craft would be best this includes all assets assets used in the examples. Next I think maybe adding some free and paid assets would be great for everyone! and yes as a student a small discount would be nice but will deff buy without it! Wonderfull work with Codea and Codea craft. and also not asking to but would love to be a beta tester.


Like steam sells games for Early access, perhaps you could ask for donations to be apart of the TestFlight app to raise money if you need it.

I would gladly pay a premium for early access as a student. While I’m learning Python. Lua and codea is my love and favorite place to code.

Progress Update:

Here is the Voxel Editor project, which will be in the update allowing users to create, save and load voxel models within Codea. Voxels can be simple coloured cubes or more complex ones (MineCraft style). The types of voxels, their appearance and behaviour can all be modified.

Great job guys! cant wait till the update.

Amazing :smiley:

You Guys have the BEST idea Great Job

@John @Simeon Sorry to bug, but I read that the update would be coming somewhere near the end of the year. Therefore, I’m sure that it is near. This thread has been dead for a few weeks, can you please keep us up to date with what is going on? I mean no rush or to bother any of you, I’m just really eager.

It looks like there were quite a few commits to the repo Dec 20 and 22 (via Hopefully soon!