Codea Chat Room

@Andrew_Stacey, Better: How about Brainf**k? (I’m a fan of esoteric programmig languages, especially FALSE). =:)

@SkyTheCoder, how about showing the time each message was sent next to them. Right now, it’s hard to tell if I just missed somebody, or if they left a few hours ago

@quezadav Well, but TeX is a programming language that people do use for specific tasks, and it is well suited to those tasks. Isn’t Brain!@#% one of these invented languages purely to prove a point?

(As a mathematician, I ought to really be saying that everyone should program is Haskell.)

Yes, it is a Turing tarpit, made for amusement of hard core programmers :smiley:

Here’s what I think the user list should look like:

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P.S. This is just a few extra lines in the code, as long as you have a table of users

I’ll ask Briarfox about player lists with this method later. And I will add a time stamp.

Whenever I get on no one is on :frowning:

I tried to make something similar, but raged and gave up, nice to see someone did it. But i tried it and it said an error

Agree with @Mason.

The user and all related content has been deleted.

@NatTheCoder iChat is already an app made by Apple it was basically an old version of iMessages.

Again, this is from 2013. Please do not bump up old discussions (check the last post date), and ESPECIALLY do not bump them with useless information.