Codea 3.3.2 (270)

@Simeon - may be old error as the file is quite an old one. Reported the crash with the error dialogue. Attached the physicssandbox project - can’t remember who wrote this.

Possible suggestion, if you haven’t already done it, - record the Codea Verson number and iOS reference in the header of the project to eliminate that confusion. Note only when first run so you can check it’s existence - or does the iOS crash report pass that data in the error details?

World Generator doesn’t run. Screenshot of error message attached.

@Simeon - loaded a large Codea file, old file from forum for reading in text files, Massively indented. Reformatted by selecting all and using shift/indent to re-align. Note image shows that blank lines (grey bars) not re-indented is that the cause of the indentation problem.

@Simeon - just typed a text on a blank line, hoping to get textMode - it appeared with the other options but when I typed the last t the menu list disappeared, so anything longer than text may be missed.

@Bri_G if you would have typed the m after text (textm), textMode would have shown again to be selected.

@dave1707 - thanks for that, tried it out and can confirm that works.

@Bri_G if you want to change this behaviour, in the editor go to:

Do → Preferences…

Turn on “Results for exact matches” in the AUTOCOMPLETE section at the bottom.

This behaviour was disabled by default after some feedback indicating that people had to keep cancelling the autocomplete bar to see the symbol buttons

@Simeon - thanks for the info, will try out with it disabled but may return to it later. I kinda like the system, so will probably learn to use it as designed.

@Bri_G when “Results for exact matches” is enabled, autocomplete will continue to show results (if there are any) even if the current text you have entered matches a completion

So for example, since text matches the text() function, with “Results for exact matches” disabled, the autocomplete bar will hide. If it is enabled, then autocomplete will continue to show other matches beginning with “text” (like textMode)

I added this option because I wasn’t sure what the best default setting is. I think @dave1707 prefers it disabled (currently the default) as he was having to dismiss the autocomplete bar too often to access the symbol keys

@piinthesky on line 27, where you set the material on the model, do this

Instead of:


Do this:

e:get(craft.renderer):setMaterial(thisMat, j)

@Simeon, hallelujah, that works!! Thanks