Codea 2.3 suggestions

@deactive what I do is setContext to an image, write your text in there, use the image as a texture for a rect on a mesh. Let me know if you would like the code.

@piinthesky this is possible, not from code but manually. Touch the symbol on the output bar and you can pull it up or down to adjust its size, even removing it entirely.

@Simeon - regarding notification, I don’t think it matters too much - I prefer the second approach purely as a naming convention, but it seems to me that both setups do the sane thing. There was talk about doing this via an addon but having something built in would be a better approach.

Also can you include

function appRequestedTermination()
    -- called when app closed 

IIRC there is a small window of time that an app get’s to respond to a quit notification and also IIRC I think all of these notifications get sent on all of the major platforms (Apple, Android and Windows).

@TheSoldierKing LuaSocket might be included in the next release — though it will remain undocumented (you can find the docs on the web), as it will be included primarily for building other internal features off of.

+1 For the universal app. I would love to edit on my iPhone 6+

@Simeon wow! That really gets me excited, actually. I love the power yet simplicity of sockets in Java, I can imagine they are just as great in Lua. I really can’t wait for this! Thanks if you do end up putting it in! :slight_smile:

That is good news about the sockets :slight_smile: @Simeon Do you have a link to the documents about the sockets api, for a little read ahead ?

@macflyerdk I think this would be a decent starting point

(gotta go over it myself as well tho xd)

@andymac3d @simeon - Instead of the full elevator preview, how about just having an outline, that lists the functions in a tab. The functions already seem to be recognised as there is a little triangle to the left of them in the editor (although having local functions recognised as well would be ideal).

Just another $0.02 to add to the pile :slight_smile:

@TechDojo - I like that as well. :smiley:

I think the beauty of the elevator preview is that it gives you a ‘geographic’ overview of your code which we all tend to visually understand.

Maybe both can be incorporated in some way?

@TechDojo Codea used to have this feature — a list of all functions in a popup from the keyboard. I don’t think anyone noticed when it disappeared, so it didn’t seem often used.

Or if the triangle to the left of the function call was a disclosure triangle that you could press to collapse and expand functions (similar to text editors like TexWranger/BBEdit), that would be handy

@Simeon - I think I remember that one, although I’d forgotten about it.
I seem to remember that it only worked with functions as opposed to local functions.

I definitely miss the all functions popup. please bring it back! Textastic has this feature, and to me that feature makes textastic a better code editor.

@matkatmusic @Simeon I like both the function list from the keyboard search magnifying glass and the drop down of all projects from the magnifying glass on the home screen.

On copy/duplicate please put name text box below icon and all the way across the screen(I have long project names especially since I add date/time to working name for backups).

I just thought of something that would be super useful. There are various blocks of code that we use over and over in our code. It would be awesome to have an option of selecting a block of code, for example:

for a,b in ipairs(table) do
     if b.y<0 or b.y>HEIGHT or b.x<0 or b.x>WIDTH then
          table.remove(table, a)

and instead of just being able to copy and paste a block of code when you select it, if you could save it to a shortcut toolbar that is accessed through the keyboard, and name the shortcut for that block of code whatever you want, Offscreen Remove for example for the above code.

So then when wanting to write the above code in the future, you can tap where you want to have the code, then go into the shortcuts toolbox and select Offscreen Remove and it pastes the above code where your cursor is.

I would use this constantly, I’m sure a lot of others would also.

@Simeon Thoughts on something like this?

@Crumble if you’re on iOS 8, have a look at KuaiBoard keyboard

(Ignoring for the moment that this code is broken)
Why not make it into a function, and put it into a separate tab, called Utils, or something like that? Cut-n-paste is not really the best way of reusing code.

@juce I’m talking more like writing blocks of code that can be saved into a toolbar and pasted into any program. Not for reusing the same block of code in a single program which a function would be the answer. A function could also be saved into this toolbar and pasted into any program.

It would allow us to save a lot of time when writing code that we use all the time in various programs. Like in a physics game, making the walls once then saving that block of code to a toolbar. So any physics game we make in the future we can just easily copy the walls code in.

@Crumble, try the KuaiKeyboard, i have my Button class on speed dial on it! :slight_smile: