[CLOSED] My Alert class does not work - Why??

I read the FAQ 5 times and still don’t understand how to create this. Can you edit my post plz and show me?

@TokOut Use what I show here. Don’t put any spaces after the < or before the > characters. I have spaces here so it doesn’t do any formatting.

< pre lang=“lua” >

Code goes here

< /pre >

function setup()
test = true


-- test


Doesn’t work? @dave1707

Why doesn’t it work. What are you expecting it to do.

It didn’t worked

It didn't work doesn’t tell me anything. What are you expecting it to do.


    textpanel = ""

function setup()
    -- TextBoxButton("value", x, y, function() k("value") end)
    A = TextBoxButton("a", 75, 225, function() k("a") end)
    B = TextBoxButton("b", 150, 225, function() k("b") end)
    C = TextBoxButton("c", 225, 225, function() k("c") end)
    D = TextBoxButton("d", 300, 225, function() k("d") end)
    E = TextBoxButton("e", 375, 225, function() k("e") end)
    F = TextBoxButton("f", 450, 225, function() k("f") end)
    G = TextBoxButton("g", 525, 225, function() k("g") end)
    H = TextBoxButton("h", 600, 225, function() k("h") end)
    I = TextBoxButton("i", 675, 225, function() k("i") end)
    J = TextBoxButton("j", 750, 225, function() k("j") end)
    K = TextBoxButton("k", 825, 225, function() k("k") end)
    L = TextBoxButton("l", 900, 225, function() k("l") end)
    M = TextBoxButton("m", 75, 150, function() k("m") end)
    N = TextBoxButton("n", 150, 150, function() k("n") end)
    O = TextBoxButton("o", 225, 150, function() k("o") end)
    P = TextBoxButton("p", 300, 150, function() k("p") end)
    Q = TextBoxButton("q", 375, 150, function() k("q") end)
    R = TextBoxButton("r", 450, 150, function() k("r") end)
    S = TextBoxButton("s", 525, 150, function() k("s") end)
    T = TextBoxButton("t", 600, 150, function() k("t") end)
    U = TextBoxButton("u", 675, 150, function() k("u") end)
    V = TextBoxButton("v", 750, 150, function() k("v") end)
    W = TextBoxButton("w", 825, 150, function() k("w") end)
    X = TextBoxButton("x", 900, 150, function() k("x") end)
    Y = TextBoxButton("y", 75, 75, function() k("y") end)
    Z = TextBoxButton("z", 150, 75, function() k("z") end)
    dot = TextBoxButton(".", 450, 75, function() k(".") end)
    comma = TextBoxButton(",", 525, 75, function() k(",") end)
    space = TextBoxButton("", 225, 75, function() k(" ") end, 225)
    backspace = TextBoxButton("<—", 825, 75, function() k("back") end)
    doubledot = TextBoxButton(":", 675, 75, function() k(":") end)
    wm = TextBoxButton("!", 750, 75, function() k("!") end)
    say = TextBoxButton("Say!", 900, 75, function() k("say") end)
    qm = TextBoxButton("?", 600, 75, function() k("?") end)
    cl1 = TextBoxButton("(", 75, 300, function() k("(") end)
    cl2 = TextBoxButton(")", 150, 300, function() k(")") end)
    cs1 = TextBoxButton("[", 225, 300, function() k("[") end)
    cs2 = TextBoxButton("]", 300, 300, function() k("]") end)
    l = TextBoxButton("-", 375, 300, function() k("-") end)
    one = TextBoxButton("1", 450, 300, function() k("1") end)
    two = TextBoxButton("2", 525, 300, function() k("2") end)
    three = TextBoxButton("3", 600, 300, function() k("3") end)
    pi = TextBoxButton("PI", 675, 300, function() k("pi") end)
    dollar = TextBoxButton("$", 750, 300, function() k("$") end)
    prozent = TextBoxButton("%", 825, 300, function() k("%") end)
    slash = TextBoxButton("~", 900, 300, function() k("~") end)
    rr = TextBoxButton("<", 75, 375, function() k("<") end)
    lr = TextBoxButton(">", 150, 375, function() k(">") end)
    rct = TextBoxButton("#", 225, 375, function() k("#") end)
    star = TextBoxButton("*", 300, 375, function() k("??") end)
    AND = TextBoxButton("&", 375, 375, function() k(" and ") end)
    pr = TextBoxButton('"', 450, 375, function() k('"') end)
    apostroph = TextBoxButton("'", 525, 375, function() k("'") end)
    is = TextBoxButton("=", 600, 375, function() k("=") end)
    euro = TextBoxButton("€", 675, 375, function() k("€") end)
    at = TextBoxButton("@", 750, 375, function() k("@") end)
    wc = TextBoxButton("WC", 825, 375, function() k("

What are you trying to do with the pre statements that isn’t working.

@TokOut The pre=lua type tags are just for coloring code that’s shown on the forum. It’s not used to color code in a running program. See this link for an example of colored code shown on the forum. It just colors certain words, numbers, and special characters.
