Basic side scroller code

Nice graphics - I like the consistency of your theme

Thanks West. It has to be adapted.

I’m using this for a game! :x

Nice - look forward to it

I made a zip for this project so that people could get it more easily, and not have to download a sprite sheet separately.

It’s still a really cool and helpful project!

It’s also got very detailed comments explaining how it works, so anyone interested in this kind of thing should definitely check it out.

@UberGoober wow - that’s going back a bit! I made a prototype game pushing the idea on a bit with power ups and an end of level boss. Unashamedly riffing off of Apidya from the Amiga days. Unfortunately the zip is coming in at 10MB so too large to post here

@West 10MB!

Just out of curiosity, how much of that is sounds and graphics?

In theory, one could jerry-rig a “lite“ version using only Codea–native sounds and graphics wherever possible… i’d be willing to take a stab at it if you have a link. :wink:

@UberGoober The vast majority will be graphics. I have 90 images - lots of them 200 x 200 (they don’t need to be this big, but don’t have an easy way to scale them down). This prototype was all about the look rather than the underlying quality code (which is pretty poor).

Do you know if there is a way of viewing the contents of a project’s “graphics” folder?

@West This app lets you view inside zip files:
When you tap on the zip file, it will show you a Codea file, and when you tap on the Codea file, it will treat it like a folder and show you its contents.

Hmm - don’t think I’ll be able to compress the images down easily. File size limit for the forum is 2MB. Thanks for the link @UberGoober though - told me what I’d suspected in that it is the volume of source files rather than one specific one which is the problem.

Here’s a short video of the game in action

Been a while since I’ve uploaded to YouTube - there’s been a bump in the video quality

Hm any chance you want to share a Dropbox link and I’ll take a swing at chopping it down? I think I’d have to replace some of the art but rom my vantage point, even if it has to have worse graphics, it still would have great value as a guide for others to build off of.

Sure - I’ve sent you a pm. Do think reducing the graphics loses a lot of its value though!

I shrunk down the graphics and put almost all of them on a spritesheet—everything but the the backdrop, we’ll have to fake that, maybe via a grey tint on the builtin clouds.

I haven’t actually implemented any of it, but now the project shrinks to 1.8 MB!

I have included the spritesheet just so you can look at it; it’s actually in the project already, so there’s no need to copy it in.

Whoops I messed up the ant parts, they won’t overlap correctly, as opposed to the other bugs; the others assemble correctly if their sprites are all stacked in the same place. Will fix later.

@West odd, they appeared there for me when I edited it, but you’re right, they’re gone now. I just put them back, please let me know if they’re still not visible to you.

Okay fixed it, updated the zip and the image above.

If it’s not obvious, this isn’t a playable version, because none of the sprites have been added yet.

Now I’ve got to go look at @dave1707 ’s spritesheet demo!

@UberGoober I don’t see the spritesheet or zip. For the backdrop just use one of the built in environment ones - looks OK

@West spritesheet and zipped file present on my phone and iPad.

Ok - can see them now