Automatically save a table to the cloud using google spreadsheet

Hi there,

Ok, this is a long shot:

Do you guys and girls think it is in any way possible to save a variable or a table to the cloud using google docs?

I found this!topic/docs/iCfNwOliYKY and am wondering if we could somehow use codea’s http functions to send custom urls that’d populate a google spreadsheet using that rather simple method.

That would be pretty useful for many applications I believe…

I don’t see why not! Give it a go. I’m not sure it’s the most efficient way to save a table but it is super useful.

Heck this would be a great way for my autogist to check the number of installs! Very cool!

Hmmm, I can’t get the method describe on that link to work (in the sources, I don’t find the url with the “amp;” part, for instance)… Maybe Google changed its way to submit responses?

it works the url has changed somewhat. Use ?entry.######=text&submit=Submit


oops, have you tried it? it seems to work, but actually gives empty entries in the google spreadsheet

Mine works fine.

Ok, I must be doing something wrong…

I’ve got this in my code:


Safari is called as expected when the code runs, and I get a "your answer has been recorded" message, but the cell stays empty.
I must have been doing something wrong with my form...


what is the urlToSave? This should be a static id to the field.

Oh sorry, it’s simply a number (hi score in that case)

I made some small attempts using OAuth, but it was a bit messy, and seemed to assume access to a web browser. But if it is usable, here is my code for logging in an storing and loading data from a spreadsheet.

Sheet = class()

function Sheet:init()

function Sheet:withToken(callback)
    -- Currently assume that a device code exists


function Sheet:getDeviceCode()
    local deviceCodeUrl = ""
    local data = "client_id=" .. CLIENT_ID .. "&scope="

    http.request(deviceCodeUrl, function (data)
        local jsonData = json.decode(data)
--        print("user code is " .. jsonData.user_code)
        saveGlobalData("deviceCode", jsonData.device_code)
        saveGlobalData("userCode", jsonData.user_code)
--        openURL("")
        openURL("" .. jsonData.user_code)
    end, function (error)
        print("Error " .. error)
    end, {
        method = "POST",
        data = data,
        headers = {
            ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

function Sheet:getAuthToken(callback)
    local getTokenUrl = ""
    local deviceCode = readGlobalData("deviceCode")
    local data = "client_id=" .. CLIENT_ID ..
                 "&client_secret=" .. CLIENT_SECRET .. "&code=" ..
                 deviceCode .. "&grant_type="

    print("getAuthToken " .. data)
    http.request(getTokenUrl, function (data)
--        print(data)
        local jsonData = json.decode(data)
--        print("access token is " .. jsonData.access_token)
--        print("refresh token is " .. jsonData.refresh_token)
        saveGlobalData("accessToken", jsonData.access_token)
        saveGlobalData("refreshToken", jsonData.refresh_token)
        if callback then callback() end
    end, function (error)
        print("Error " .. error)
    end, {
        method = "POST",
        data = data,
        headers = {
            ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

function Sheet:refreshAuthToken(callback)
    local getTokenUrl = ""
    local refreshToken = readGlobalData("refreshToken")
    local data = "client_id=" .. CLIENT_ID ..
                 "&client_secret=" .. CLIENT_SECRET .. 
                 "&refresh_token=" .. refreshToken ..

    http.request(getTokenUrl, function (data)
 --       print(data)
        local jsonData = json.decode(data)
 --       print("access token is " .. jsonData.access_token)
        saveGlobalData("accessToken", jsonData.access_token)
        if callback then callback() end
    end, function (error)
        print("Error " .. error)
    end, {
        method = "POST",
        data = data,
        headers = {
            ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

function Sheet:availableSheets() 
    local accessToken = readGlobalData("accessToken")
    local url = "" ..
                "alt=json&" ..
                "access_token=" .. accessToken

    print("get sheets")
    http.request(url, function (data) 

function Sheet:getCells() -- from my spreadsheet with specified key
    local accessToken = readGlobalData("accessToken")
    local key = "0AsDhnQgjRtV2dEVPQXkwWlRTWW5CM2RkWGJPSVNnUkE"
    local url = "" ..
                key ..
                "/od6/private/full?min-row=1&min-col=1&max-col=2&" ..
                "alt=json&" ..
                "access_token=" .. accessToken

    print("get cells ")
    http.request(url, function (data)
        local jsonData = json.decode(data)
        local cells = {}
        for k,cell in pairs(jsonData.feed.entry) do
--            print(["$t"])
--            print(cell.title["$t"] .. " - " .. cell.content["$t"]) 
            table.insert(cells, List(cell.content["$t"]))

        theList = List{
            name = "Remember",
            items = cells
    end, function (error)

function Sheet:set(col, row, value)
    local key = "0AsDhnQgjRtV2dEVPQXkwWlRTWW5CM2RkWGJPSVNnUkE"

    local cellurl = "" .. key .. "/od6/private/full/R" .. row .. "C" .. col
    local data = [[<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gs="">
      <id>]] .. cellurl .. [[</id>
      <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml"
        href="]] .. cellurl .. [["/>
      <gs:cell row="]] .. row .. [[" col="]] .. col .. [[" inputValue="]] .. value ..[["/>

    local accessToken = readGlobalData("accessToken")
    local url = "" ..
                key ..
                "/od6/private/full/R" .. row .. "C" .. col .. "?" ..
                "access_token=" .. accessToken

    print("set cell data")
    http.request(url, function (data)
--        print(data)
    end, function (error)
        print("Error " .. error)
    end, {
        method = "PUT",
        data = data,
        headers = {
            ["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml",
            ["If-Match"] = "*" -- what does this do? 

This code retrieves data from a spreadsheet?

@Briarfox, would you mind pasting the url you use to add text to a spreadsheet? I still can’t manage to make it work and I suspect it’s something little I’m overseeing. You can replace your key by xxxxxxxx’s of course :slight_smile: