Angry Birds - step by step - Explosive finale

I have one more update, which is for exploding birds (and is interesting when you do it with physics). I wasn’t going to post it, because there didn’t seem to be much interest, but perhaps I will, now.

@Ignatz yes do that, i Love your tutoriel! It is a funny and nice way to learn coding in codea. You do a great job! :slight_smile:

Update at top

@Ignatz - superb job! I’ve really enjoyed seeing it come together.

As a possible future tutorial I think an interesting topic would be to look at handling levels that are bigger than a single screen. Scrolling and positioning on screen vs “real” world is something I’ve found challenging in the past.

I think I did that with this project, it’s not hard

@Ignatz, is there nothing you can’t do? You always seem to be able to do anything you think of, really easily. Like, you’re all, “I wanted to see if I could make a naval warfare game,” or “I wanted to see if I could make a raytraced racing game with customizable tracks and pathfinding AI,” or “I thought I’d just casually duplicate the gameplay of the most successful mobile game of all time as a tutorial for beginners.” I find myself in awe. This is really impressive stuff, and you make it look easy.

I can assure you it’s not easy. I battle with every step, and rely on a lot of help from anywhere I can find it. And a lot of it is trial and error. I don’t write all that down because it’s boring, but it certainly is not easy for me, and I’m not setting out to show I’m clever, rather, I’m exploring the limits of what Codea can do and trying to learn new stuff along the way.

And while Angry Birds may be highly successful, it is made much easier by physics, and the way that Rovio cleverly used that to do all the heavy lifting. There is room for more games like it!

I think you’ll find that if you try your hand at one of these projects, they are a lot of fun, while being challenging.

@Ignatz what will you do next? I really looking forward to you next project :slight_smile: I have learn so much from your tutorials, so thank you!

how to get the size of each tiny spirite?

@Ignatz Trying to get this running, got this error:

Objects:32: rect does not intersect image on y axis
stack traceback:
	[C]: in method 'copy'
	Objects:32: in function 'LoadImages'
	Main:11: in function 'setup'

…did get the sprite sheet installed correctly btw. I think!

I’ll get to it, I’m just busy with other things

It works fine for me, check your image is correct

@Ignatz Can you tell me the proper dimensions of the image?


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