1.3.7 beta

Hey, when you’re name-checked in a beta, you gotta check it out, right?

  • John has implemented a Project quick search feature. (Bortels, this might be of interest to you.)

It took me a while to find the icon, hidden in plain sight - very nice! I can stop naming projects I’m currently working on 1-something :slight_smile:

This is tremendously helpful - I can see all the way down to the C’s (I have a lot of projects), and the scroll to the T’s is like a swipe, not 15 of them. Bravo!

I was going to suggest multiple columns, but they still wouldn’t all fit on the screen. Maybe an icon grid with smaller text (but that starts to smell very close to the ipad’s normal app screen, and Apple may get bunched…)

I forget - can we set a project icon yet? I’ll go look.

@Bortels: how about an alphabetic index down the side of the list?

Oh, like a skip forward scrolly thing (like contacts for example)?

Sounds good, but I won’t use that - fingers too big, in general. The way it’s implemented now in the beta is light-years better than it’s been.

Just pie-in-the-sky - maybe a way to mark “favorites”, or sort by most recently modified, as well as alpha? That would keep active projects toward the front of the list.

@Bortels I mean in addition to the current tableview in the beta - so, you have the searchable scrollable list, and it has an index down the side so you could quickly jump to a particular letter if you want.

Yeah, perhaps an alternative sort (between alphabetical and most-recent) could be good… Don’t want to clutter the UI too much though! :slight_smile:

So - the world is a weird place, and lua wraps back around to itself.

I was working on my game, server side, and have been thinking that I really need to do that in lua as well, because the combat routines want to be portable, so they can be used server-side to decide combats, and client-side to show them like a movie.

And if I’m doing server-side lua to host the turns, I may as well go full-bore and do the webserver in lua as well (it was/is in ruby using sinatra right now - highly recommended) so that I can share even more code (in this case, the redis I/O and procedures). So I start digging into lua stuff, and come across:


That is, in a nutshell, node.js (which I like, except I’m not keen on javascript) using lua instead of javascript (neat!). Problem is, there are no redis bindings for it, yet. And I’m thinking of doing my own, but we’re starting to get into yak-shaving territory, not game building.

But - as I was researching things, I came across this thread:


That suggests, among other things, that the old callbacks stuff I did, for example in the code above, is sub-optimal - that lua coroutines are the way to go, giving you the power of async callbacks, without the callback confusions/complexity (and I’m getting that big-time).

Problem is - I don’t understand coroutines well enough to actually understand how that would work, and can’t find good examples.

I’d like, very much, for there to be good example code if/when http.get is approved - and if coroutines are the way to go, I’d like to try to get my head wrapped around it and “do it right”.

So - is anyone here lua-savvy enough that you say “oh, yeah - coroutines would do that easy! Look, here’s how…” and be able to post a small example? I think I just need a gentle push. I’ll keep reading, and maybe going back to “normal” coroutine stuff rather than callback related - but if this is easy/trivial for someone already, a good example would be much appreciated.

gunnar_z posted quite a good coroutine example set just recently:


You’re right - that’s a good example. I need to grok the fullness of it - thank you for pointing it out.

Was loadstring() nuked? Or do I have the wrong name? I have a table I fetched from http.get that I want to parse. Can’t find it in docs…

loadstring() should still work. It’s not in the docs but it should be active.

Heh - since I asked, I went and got a json importer working.

And I may not use either - I may just parse key/value pairs.

Making excellent progress on the game. Hope to have something to show soon. Hope apple doesn’t balk at http.get!!!