@CodeaNoob it is called the Codea Holiday Cook Off!
The rules don’t specify the type of Program to be used, the name “Codea Holiday Cook-Off” means that the challenge is issued by Codea(Two Lives Left), and the rules say it has to be made in the iPad. There is no rule saying that it must be Codea
If you want to win, use Codea
And your 2013 Codea Holiday Cook Off super secret theme world is…
It’s a word that can have many implications. Falling down a well, falling in love, the season between summer and winter… FALL. It’s the word for the week.
Gentlepeople… start your coding! And don’t forget to let us know how things are going.
@Mark would you like us to post what are project is going to be now, or later?
@Prynok Talk about what you want to, when you want to, but part of the fun of a competition like this is sharing your thoughts and progress.
So long as @Simeon and @John don’t mind, I’d suggest starting your own topic under the competition category to detail your project. Good luck!
I suggest submissions can be made anywhere that they can be freely retrieved, and where there is a visible date/time stamp, eg gist, CC
Amazing theme, so many possibilities.
Can we get an official, this is the time (including time zone) that the competition ends and all code needs to be finished and submitted?
Also, what method do we use to submit it?
The deadline is the last tolling of the midnight clock ringing out 2013.
The official time zone is that of Adelaide, Australia, which is one of those time zones which has an… interesting offset from GMT. UTC/GMT +10:30 hours
That puts the end of the contest at 8:30 AM of December 31 for those on the East Coast of the United States. (other sites are left as an exercise to the student)
What’s the rule for beta features (Ex: Music)? Are they allowed, or are they an unfair advantage
@JakAttak IMHO, there should not be music. Even though it enhances the experience, not everyone could do that.
my old game would have worked fine for this theme
I’ll see if I find time to contribute, hope so
Darn it! You posted this 8:16 Christmas Eve my time. Oh well, here we go! Also, am I allowed to use beta features? I assume not because the community is not allowed to see the API.
@Zoyt, The sound feature was already discussed, so I don’t think so as it also offers an unfair advantages to the Beta Testers
@CodeaNoob - I know. I was just bringing it up again. Mark had not addressed it directly yet. I suggest you let us, but you just don’t improve or lower other’s scores because of it. Just tell us to make sure it is compatible with v1.5 (so test for functionality of music).
@Zoyt I think the idea of keeping people on par as far as tools go is a good one, but don’t want to put on a structure that will get in the way of turning your project into an app down the road,
How about this: you can use beta features that don’t directly affect gameplay, but those features won’t be considered in scoring.
Does that make sense?
Hmmm I already gave the theme some thinking, I hope I can make some time to make something small around it, tho the hardest part will be game art etc, I’m realy bad at designing menu’s etc
@Mark - Sounds good. That’s pretty much a rephrasing of what I said. Also, (to the other beta testers out there), I think that we should make sure to make the code backwards compatable. Just check to make sure the beta variables are no nil, and it will work.
@stevon8ter, that’s why I chose to go minimalistic