1963, Sieve of Eratosthenes, written in Algol 60, typed on a Friden Flexowriter to punched paper tape, compiled and run an Elliott 803 using Tony Hoare’s compiler. I was 15. Four years later I was working at Elliotts testing and fixing their 4100 mainframes. Still coding at 66, now at Nintendo, Wii-U console SDK, audio engine. Many interesting nodes on the intervening drunkard’s walk.
- I was 13 on a sinclair zx81. After reaching the 1kb memory of Basic, I asked a 16kb extension for Christmas, and I finished by gfa basic on Atari st or Amiga 520, I don’t remember exactly.
13, using the ComputerCraft mod for Minecraft.
@1029chris I have that mod too!
i’ve beginning with basic in cpc 6128 then rpl system in hp 48 calc, hp pascal and now hp-prime
i was 12 year old
I love roblox, I’m still on it all the time. I’m 13 and learning, but I also know some basic things on codea and roblox.
@Mason What is roblox? Is it like a programming language or something?
It’s a game.
@Briarfox Thanks!
@Briarfox Game/website/game creator.
I have an account, but I don’t play as much, as it’s filled with swearing, annoying trolls and spammers everywhere.
My nephew was playing it awhile back, then he moved to minecraft
@Briarfox Minecraft FTW!
Well I guess I’ll post my programming experiences here as well then… xD
I started of 4 years ago by writing HTML, I was 13 then, I did this because I was interested in how websites were build
then I moves on to css pretty soon since that’s a more decent way then only html and mixing your styles into the header
I wasn’t satisfied so I learner php since that way I could make the user interact better with the website (logging in, database storage…)
I know that many people don’t see those as real programming languages, but hey, you gotta start somewhere right…?
Then when I was 14, I started coding simple programs in TI-basics for my calculator, I then moves to a custom language written for that specific calculator by other people, because basic’s an interpreter, so I moves to ‘AXE’ which was an easy language, but compiled to ASM on the calc itself, so it was handy to use
Then a year ago (16 then) I started playing around with javascript, then a little java for minecraft mods, and now I ended up with one of my favorite languages… lua
@stevon8ter May I ask what type of mod it was?
@Prynok I never actually finished one, I was just playing around it, for example making all kinds of little things like a trail of flowers following where you go
@stevon8ter Cool! Right now, I’m programming a 3rd party minecraft bot.
@stevon8ter @Prynok I was just thinking of making a Mo’ Dungeons mod (inspired by Adventure Time). I doubt I’ll finish it (laziness) but I might release it. My main concern is MCP updating to 1.7.2 right as I finish it for 1.6.4…
@skythecoder that sounds cool
Look at the old spice commercial.
Now look at my post.
It’s not a coincidence.