Getting an exported app to work on iOS 7

@Zoyt, @Simeon, I found out what the problem was. In my code I was loading images that have sequential numbering (e.g. img01, img02, etc) through a for loop. It seems Codea did not recognize them at the moment of exporting the project, so those files were not present in the “Dropbox.spritepack” folder. I manually added them to the folder and the problem was solved.

@Zoyt, how did you solve the issue?

@MoNuS - I actually did the same thing. That was one of my issues, but it wasn’t the one that caused this thread. Glad you found it.
@JakAttak - I renamed the files correctly to “libcodea.a” and “libtools.a”. I also had to manually export my documents folder.

Regarding this image issue, I had the same problem but it was that I was accidentally trying to draw an image that didn’t exist anymore (old code) and Codea had been ignoring it but the Xcode project would crash when it tried. Once I removed that “draw a nonexistent sprite” tidbit it worked.