I’ve recently added a couple more filtering settings and sitting about ready for the official App store release. Once the Codea runtime gets updated to fix the showKeyboard() bug, It should be go for launch.
I’ll try fix this one today, @Deamos.
Thanks @Simeon. I appreciate it.
@Deamos it now contains a fix for show/hideKeyboard. I’ve tested it briefly and believe it should work. Let me know if there are any problems with it.
Just did a quick test in the Simulator and all seems to be working well. Thank you!
With everything set, I have now officially submitted the Eve Live Viewer to the App Store for Approval! Thanks to everyone for their support leading up to this! Other than a few Open Source personal projects, this is the first real app that have ever developed.
Thanks again to the entire TwoLivesLeft team for the great tool to make this all possible !
Splash Screen: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/75787/EveLiveViewerSplash.png
App Screenshot: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/75787/EveLiveViewer1.png
An early screen shot from the first week of Development:
that looks great…! i’ll definitely try this one out, even if do not play eve
it’s a great game, but i think if i played it i wouldn’t be married now
Congratulations, @Deamos. Looks awesome.
What is a killmail notifier, for those of us who don’t play Eve?
Well, since Eve Online only maintains one server for the entire game, travel routes from point to point in the game can get rather dangerous if you arn’t paying attention. The game isn’t divided PVP/PVE, its all PVP. I wanted to make a quick way to see what was going on in the Eve Universe and be able to plan accordingly if something was happening around me. Currently, there are many fan sites that list PVP kills, Eve-kill.net being one of the largest. However, those sites typically just list those PVP kills in a large list. I wanted to apply it toward a Universe view. Thus, Eve Live Viewer was born!
For those who doesnt know anything about PVP and EVE;
You build/buy spaceships and fly it throu systems via stargates in EVE. Everything is player-crafted and every spaceship is valuable. If someone attacks you and destroys your ship for profit/fun/excitement/fame; a kill-mail is generated. Every large-scale corparation or mercanary bands even a few people groups are identified via kill-mails for their success or failures. It shows who killed you how they killed, what they have used to kill you and how much damage of ISK (EVE in-game money) they inflicted.
WOW That game look’s cool
Updated the Source Code to v1.1.
Now interfaces with evemaps.dotlan.net for notifications, Radar tracking, and integrating system sovereignty.
As for the official standalone, I’m still in “Waiting for Review”
I also just did a new video with some of the updated features since before v1.0.
Hey folks!
Just to let you all know that Eve Live Viewer is now live on the App Store. If you like Evenor just want to see another Codea app live on the store, check it out at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eve-live-viewer/id533001735?ls=1&mt=8
Very nice to see it there. Congratulations!
Congratulations, @Deamos! Brilliant piece of work.
Nice work… Looks like a very nice tool!!