Has anyone figured out how to get the cut/copy/paste/lookup popup to show when selecting a line or range of lines. Not being able to copy/paste code is really annoying. So far, the iOS 9 update has screwed up more things than it improved, for me anyways.
EDIT: Just stumbled upon the keyboard cut/copy/paste options. Apparently an option in the keyboard settings has to be turned on, then the keyboard can’t be showing when you select a line or range of lines. With the keyboard hidden, when you select something to copy, the keyboard shows with a pair of scissors/copy/paste icons on it.
You copy and paste with the extra icons above the keyboard. I sometimes can get the old-style popup buttons to appear, sometimes not. I haven’t been able to work out what sequence you need to follow to do this though. Reindent is the button I miss most.
The appearance of the more traditional cut / copy / paste bar seems to be erratic. Sometimes it appears as soon as I select something. More often not. Which leaves the keyboard as the only option.
@yojimbo2000 I’m just now figuring out when/how the cut/copy/paste keyboard icons show. The shortcut option in the keyboard settings had to be turned on for them to show. The indent and unindent buttons work OK for me. Are those what you’re referring to for reindent.
EDIT: Not sure what’s going on. Now when I select a line or range of lines to copy, I get the old style cut/copy/paste/re-indent/lookup popup. It shows every time and I can’t not get it to show.
No, I meant in the old-style pop up, next to copy/paste, there’s a reindent code button that’s very handy (particularly after you’ve been copying and pasting). It’s slightly different from the increase/decrease indentation button on Codea’s keyboard row, in that it selects the indentation level automatically.
@yojimbo2000 I saw what you were referring to when I started to see the old cut/copy popup again. I think the hard part of an update is trying to figure out all of the odd things that happen. So far, the old style popup works every time for me now. Why I wasn’t able to get it before, no matter what I tried, is a mystery.
EDIT: I now have the cut/copy/paste keyboard icons turned off to reduce the height of the keyboard.
@dave1707 that’s a good tip, I didn’t realise that the shortcut bar could be turned off. When it’s off, the old-style pop up appears every time. In theory I do like the new copy/ paste buttons in the keyboard row, but only if they could be incorporated into the existing extra row that Codea has (I imagine though that’s probably quite a lot of work to implement)
EDIT: nope, turning off the shortcuts row worked for a while, but now I’ve lost the popup buttons again, so have no way to copy/ paste etc, without turning the shortcuts row back on again.